"Native women spread a truck load of crushed stone evenly over the area surrounding the warehouse at Ondal Army Air Base in India. The work is under the supervision of the 305th Service Group, 1943." National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000461

"Major J. A. Philpott, Commanding Officer of the 490th Bomb Squadron, 341st Bomb Group and crew pose beside their plane at Ondal Airfield, India. 15 March 1943. They are, left to right: Major Philpott, pilot, 1st Lt. Rider, Bombardier; 1st Lt. Zeidler, Bombardier; Sgt. Rollins, Gunner; S/Sgt. W. Henry, Engineer-gunner; S/Sgt. Roper, Co-pilot." National Archives photo no. 342-FH_001294

"Natives move large crates of supplies along the warehouse loading platform at Ondal Army Air Base, India. When the crates are to be loaded on trucks, they use pipes as rollers and push the crates from the platform to the truck. 305th Service Group, 1943." National Archives photo no. 342-FH_001236

"Before camouflage Is applied to the newly constructed runway at Ondal Army Air Base in India, natives brush off the concrete to remove all foreign matter in order that the camouflage can be properly applied. 305th Service Group, 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000455

"Without the conveniences of modern equipment, natives lay concrete during construction of a runway at Ondal Army Air Base in India. The project was under supervision of the 305th Service Croup. 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000453

"Native women fill earthen jugs with water from the rice paddies; the water will be dumped on crushed stone used in the construction or runways, roads, etc. at Ondal Army Air Base in India. 305th Service Group, 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000465

"To build up the shoulders of the runway under construction at Ondal Army Air Base, India, natives mix crushed stone with asphalt, spread It along the runway, and then roll the area. 305Th Service Group, 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000457

"Natives remove part of an earthen revetment instead of digging earth necessary for building purposes at Ondal Army Air Base in India. The work is under the supervision of the 305th Service Group, 1943." National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000463

"Natives dump a truck load of crushed stone on the warehouse yard at Ondal AAB in India. The work is under the supervision of the 305th Service Group, 1943." National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000459

"Mechanics make major repairs on the engines of the North American B-25 "Hard to Get" at the service center of the 305th Service Group on Ondal Army Air Base in India. 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000083

"Mechanics over haul the engines on the Curtiss C-46 "The Mountain Goat" at Ondal Army Air Base in India. 305th Service Group, 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000081

"The name of the enlisted men's club was revealed at the dance officially opening the club, ending the "Name the Club" contest. The choice of the council was "Club 690", submitted by Sgt. Norbert C. Greskowiak; "Club 690" corresponds to Ondal Army Air Base's APO number. Here, Sgt. Greskowiak gloats over his prize - 24 cans of American beer. 1943, India." National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000634

"GI's and their partners dance to the melodic music provided by Sgt. Al Strubel and his orchestra at the opening of the "Club 690", a recreational center for enlisted men stationed at Ondal Army Air Base inIndia. Many of the girls present were member of the Indian Women's Auxiliary Corps, who, upon invitation of the American Red Cross, served as dancing partners of the men. 1943." National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000632

"At the grand opening of the enlisted men's 'Club 690' at Ondal Army Air Based in India, the soft drink fountain, operated by beaming natives, was kept busy providing the GI's with 'Vimto,' a native drink faintly resembling Coca Cola, and 'Lemba-pani,' the Indian version of lime juice. 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000626

"American Red Cross women take time out to rest before the onrush of GI's seeking entertainment at the opening of "Club 690" at Ondal Army Air Base in India. They are, left to right" Miss Mary Jane Young, Miss Margaret Blake, Miss Frances Barrell and Miss Phyllis Ripley. 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000622

"Major Percy W. Newton, Ondal Army Air Base finance officer, discusses the opening of Club 690 with Mr. Zisser and Mr. Jim Idol of the American Red Cross, and an Indian officer. Officers were invited to inspect the enlisted men's club on the afternoon of the grand opening. India, 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000618

"At the gasoline station on Ondal Army Air Base, India, natives pump gasoline into five gallon cans and in turn empty the fuel in the vehicles. 305th Service Group, 1943" National Archives photo no. 342-FH_000338

"M/Sgt. Fred L. Hardy of Silver Springs, Maryland, checks the cleaning of refrigerated trailers at the Quartermaster Service Center at Ondal, India. Since the temperature reaches up to 130° F at times, some type of refrigerated transportation was a necessity. In this instance, an insulated wooden box was put inside the conventional trailers. Note the thatched roof of the commissary in the background. 305th Service Group, December 1943." National Archives photo no. 342-FH_001088

2021 view of the crossed Ondal Air Base runways,, between the town of Andal (lower left) the Grand Trunk Road (AH1) and the modern Kazi Nazrul Islam Airport (upper right).

In 1943, an unnamed photographer with the US Army Air Forces visited Ondal Air Base (APO 690) in India. He recorded appropriately heroic images of US air crews, ground support teams and Red Cross volunteers, carefully documenting their names. The photographer also recorded images of many unnamed Indians as they performed the hard labor of building and maintaining a wartime air base.
Click on each image for a lager, static version.